Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Don't Like McCain? Vote Hillary
By:Philip V. Brennan
John McCain is running on a platform that says your jobs are not coming back, the illegals are not going home, and we are going to have more wars, writes Pat Buchanan.
Buchanan advises, "If you don’t like it, vote for Hillary."
In an American Conservative column entitled "The Great Betrayal," Buchanan examines McCain's record on a host of issues, and to most conservatives, it's not a pretty sight.
He finds McCain's "arresting prediction" that we will face more wars scary, quoting the Arizona senator as saying “It’s a tough war we’re in. It’s not going to be over right away. There’s going to be other wars. I’m sorry to tell you, there’s going to be other wars. We will never surrender, but there will be other wars.”
He compares Eisenhower's and Nixon's successful efforts to end the wars in Korea and Vietnam with honor to McCain's warning that we may be in Iraq a hundred years and that, “there’s going to be other wars.”
Says Buchanan, "Take the man at his word."
McCain, he writes, "has joked about 'bomb, bomb, bomb — bomb, bomb Iran' and urged the expulsion of Russia from the G8 . . . wants to expand NATO to bring in Georgia and the Ukraine" creating "confrontation between Russia and the United States over whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia should be free of Georgia or ruled by Tbilisi, a matter of zero vital interest to this country."
All this, Buchanan says, is a forewarning that John McCain intends to be a war president, and forecasts that "if Bibi Netanyahu again becomes prime minister of Israel, he and a President McCain will find a pretext for war on Iran."
On many of the great issues, he adds, "McCain has sided as often with the Left and the Big Media as he has with the Right."
His indictment of McCain outlines his offenses:
he voted twice against the Bush tax cuts.
He "colluded to sell out the most conservative of Bush’s judges, and in 1993, voted to confirm the pro-abortion liberal Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
He formed the "gang of 14," seven senators from each party, when Bush set out to restore constitutionalism. All agreed to vote to block the GOP Senate from invoking the “nuclear option”— i.e., empowering the GOP to break a filibuster of judicial nominees by majority vote — unless the seven Democrats agreed.
With that record of voting for Clinton justices and joining with Democrats anxious to kill the most conservative Bush’s nominees, Buchanan asks "what guarantee is there a President McCain would nominate and fight for the fifth jurist who would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade?"
He colluded with liberals to pass McCain-Feingold, "a law that denies to Second Amendment folks and right-to-lifers their First Amendment right to identify friends and foes in TV ads before national elections."
On condemning drilling for oil in Alaska's ANWAR he sides with the liberals, and has moved toward Gore on global warming.
He collaborated with Senate liberals in the McCain-Kennedy amnesty, which was rejected only after a national uprising, failing to do what is needed to control America’s borders and halt the invasion through Mexico.
Buchanan concluded that "on the two issues where Bush has been at his best, taxes and judges, McCain has sided against him. On the three issues that have ravaged the Bush presidency — the misbegotten war in Iraq, the failure to secure America’s borders, and the trade policy that has destroyed the dollar, de-industrialized the country, and left foreigners with $5 trillion to buy up America — McCain has sided with Bush."
By:Philip V. Brennan
John McCain is running on a platform that says your jobs are not coming back, the illegals are not going home, and we are going to have more wars, writes Pat Buchanan.
Buchanan advises, "If you don’t like it, vote for Hillary."
In an American Conservative column entitled "The Great Betrayal," Buchanan examines McCain's record on a host of issues, and to most conservatives, it's not a pretty sight.
He finds McCain's "arresting prediction" that we will face more wars scary, quoting the Arizona senator as saying “It’s a tough war we’re in. It’s not going to be over right away. There’s going to be other wars. I’m sorry to tell you, there’s going to be other wars. We will never surrender, but there will be other wars.”
He compares Eisenhower's and Nixon's successful efforts to end the wars in Korea and Vietnam with honor to McCain's warning that we may be in Iraq a hundred years and that, “there’s going to be other wars.”
Says Buchanan, "Take the man at his word."
McCain, he writes, "has joked about 'bomb, bomb, bomb — bomb, bomb Iran' and urged the expulsion of Russia from the G8 . . . wants to expand NATO to bring in Georgia and the Ukraine" creating "confrontation between Russia and the United States over whether South Ossetia and Abkhazia should be free of Georgia or ruled by Tbilisi, a matter of zero vital interest to this country."
All this, Buchanan says, is a forewarning that John McCain intends to be a war president, and forecasts that "if Bibi Netanyahu again becomes prime minister of Israel, he and a President McCain will find a pretext for war on Iran."
On many of the great issues, he adds, "McCain has sided as often with the Left and the Big Media as he has with the Right."
His indictment of McCain outlines his offenses:
he voted twice against the Bush tax cuts.
He "colluded to sell out the most conservative of Bush’s judges, and in 1993, voted to confirm the pro-abortion liberal Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
He formed the "gang of 14," seven senators from each party, when Bush set out to restore constitutionalism. All agreed to vote to block the GOP Senate from invoking the “nuclear option”— i.e., empowering the GOP to break a filibuster of judicial nominees by majority vote — unless the seven Democrats agreed.
With that record of voting for Clinton justices and joining with Democrats anxious to kill the most conservative Bush’s nominees, Buchanan asks "what guarantee is there a President McCain would nominate and fight for the fifth jurist who would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade?"
He colluded with liberals to pass McCain-Feingold, "a law that denies to Second Amendment folks and right-to-lifers their First Amendment right to identify friends and foes in TV ads before national elections."
On condemning drilling for oil in Alaska's ANWAR he sides with the liberals, and has moved toward Gore on global warming.
He collaborated with Senate liberals in the McCain-Kennedy amnesty, which was rejected only after a national uprising, failing to do what is needed to control America’s borders and halt the invasion through Mexico.
Buchanan concluded that "on the two issues where Bush has been at his best, taxes and judges, McCain has sided against him. On the three issues that have ravaged the Bush presidency — the misbegotten war in Iraq, the failure to secure America’s borders, and the trade policy that has destroyed the dollar, de-industrialized the country, and left foreigners with $5 trillion to buy up America — McCain has sided with Bush."